National Press Coverage

NBC’s TODAY Show with Hoda & Jenna

Angels on Earth


NBC’s TODAY Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda

Fox News Huckabee Show

NBC’s TODAY Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda
NBC’s TODAY Show with Hoda & Jenna
How 1 Woman’s Act Of Kindness For A Hungry Child Led To A Lifelong Bond -
Angels on Earth
Inspiring Stories of Fate, Friendship, and the Power of Connections -
The Amazing Story That Forever Changed Laura Schroff’s Life -
NBC’s TODAY Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda
Laura Schroff will be at the Hearts for Hope luncheon to benefit House of Hope. -
Fox News Huckabee Show
Woman forges strong bond with panhandler. -
NBC’s TODAY Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda
Psychologist Dale Atkins and Laura Schroff, author of An Invisible Thread, say that acts of kindness may actually trigger psychological responses that motivate us to pay it forward.